Tuesday, 27 May 2008
I've finished Autumn Leaves and am very happy with it, I enjoyed it so much I was about to dive right into Winter Wind but restrained myself :(

Luckily, winter starts this Sunday ;)

Autumn Leaves
Designer: Prairie Schooler
Fabric: 28# Vintage Country Mocha
Threads: DMC

I made a few changes to the design, I left off the bird above the house and the numbers on the grass and added the moon and pumpkin motifs from other parts of the chart.

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posted by Karen at 07:12 |


At 27 May 2008 at 09:34, Blogger Yuko

This is very beautiful!!
I love autumn design and especially by Prairie Schooler!
Congratulations on your lovely finish!


At 27 May 2008 at 12:24, Blogger Nicki

It's gorgeous! Congratulations :)


At 28 May 2008 at 22:12, Blogger Barbara

What a beautiful piece of stitching. I love the colours in this Autumn pattern.


At 17 September 2008 at 14:04, Blogger trillium

I love the Prairie Schooler designs! I'm waiting for 2 charts coming in the mail (a Halloween & a Thanksgiving) so I can begin my seasonal.
Marie W.